

CR rock, tributo a nuestras raices

Docile (CD: Healing factor)

I've got a new found life, a life away from you, I evolved into something new, something pure true, realizes you won't control me again, I outgrown your will, but don't get sad cause I'm not mad, I'm just restless and I can't be. Docile no more docile no more, docile no more, docile no more. You keep telling me, how ungrateful I have turners, the goal you set for me, they were never mine, sink in anger if you want, stroke my name from your will, but don't get sad cause I'm not mad, I'm just restless and I can't be. Docile no more, docile no more, docile no more, docile no more. I'm over it you piece of shit. Docile no more, docile no more, docile no more, docile no know you suck arrogant fuck.

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